
Great -





Total Points Earned

Team Work

Team effectively worked well together and communicated well


5 points

Team worked well some of the time and communicated part of the time.



3 points

A lack of working well together and poorly communicated together



1 point


Individual Roles

Had knowledge about role and had a clear concept of individual role and task.

5 points


Lacked some knowledge of role and did not have complete concept of role and task.

3 points

Tasks were not fully completed and the concept was not understoood.



1 point




Team provided a clear concept of the task and each  role had sufficient knowledge of the task



7 points


Team left out concepts and provided sufficient knowledge of task some of the time.




4 points

Team left out critical elements of the task and did not provide sufficient knowledge of the task



1 point



Well executed and plan was creatively planned out with knowledge from web resources



7 points

Lacked creativity and knowledge based off web resources



4 points

Unoriginal- lacked creativity and no knowledge based off web resources




1 point



Use of prevention plan and use of web resources effectively used with information and illustrations

5 points

Prevention plan and use of web resources were limited through information and illustrations

3 points

Lack of prevention plan ideas and not effective use of web resources with information and illustrations

1 point


Use of Resources and websites

Evidence of websites were used and sufficient research was done on the task


10 points

Most of the resources were used but important facts were not used

5 points

The team did not use the resources provided and no research was obtained


1 point


Creativity of Prevention plan

Use of the water cycle were introduced and knowledge of prevention was prevalent with the prevention plan created

5 points


Some key concepts were left out  from the water cycle and plan was repeated by resources provided


3 points

Prevention plan lacked research and a creative plan was not used



1 point



Grammar/ spelling of entire project

1-3 mistakes throughout project


3 points

4-6 mistakes throughout project


2 points

7 or more mistakes through out the project 




I point


Use of time provided in computer lab

Effectively used the time wisely and cooperated well with the group in lab



6 points


Did not use all the time provided and did not always cooperate well with group in the computer lab



3 points

Did not use the computer lab productively and did not cooperate well with the group in the computer lab



1 point




                                                                 Final Score :                                            / 55 Points

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