First the group needs to become familar with the Earth's water supply and what is polluting our waters.


                      Here is a great site full of facts about Earth's water supply: Earth's water facts

                     A great website to look learn about the cycle at is provided for you here : Water Cycle

                     You can also watch this video to become more familiar with the water cycle: Video

                                  An informative site about pollution is provided here : Water Pollution




As a group you need to decide who will each take on each individual role to help come up with a plan for the hydrologist. After researching your particular role you will come together and decide how to make a prevention plan to help save our Earth's water. As a group you must come up with a speech to present to the community about your group's plan. Each of you will speak about your role and how water is effected either with pollution or can decrease pollution.

Then as a group plot your plan on a poster board to present to the hydrologist. Include information about the water cycle and how pollution prevention will help save our waters.

       *   Be sure to use colorful illustrations or diagrams.

       *  Also include how your individual role is important to the waters of Earth

During computer lab time create a pamphlet to pass around the school to make your community informed of how they can prevent pollution in our waters.

          * Be sure to incorporate your prevention plan

         * Also include illustrations and  color to make it look fun and interesting



Water Cycle Expert

Research the four stages of the water cycle

What Forms does water take?

Websites  great to become an expert on the water cycle.

Water Cycle website

Interactive website

Informational water cycle website

Another website about the water cycle



Pollution Expert

Research the pollution that effects our Earth's water supply

Where does the pollution come from? Can it be prevented?

Websites great to become an expert on water pollution

Pollution Website

Water pollution website

water pollution guide

pollution close to home


Prevention Expert

How can the community prevent pollution?

How do other people in the world help our waters?

Websites great to become an expert on water pollution prevention


storm water cleanup

pollution in many forms

Projects around the world

projects students have done


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